The firm
The current dynamics of the business world require the presence of permanent legal counseling so as to facilitate the necessary tools to find the best juridical scheme upon which your company may achieve its social objective. Legal counseling should cover the study, design and implementation of the instruments through which your company may plan, initiate and conclude legal relation in a satisfactory manner.

Our firm possesses the knowledge and experience so that you and your company may have at your disposal, opportune and diligently, the best legal counseling that will ease the development of your business.

With over 17 years of experience, we are in capacity to aid you in a wide variety of negotiations, to prepare legal documents, to settle controversies and to thoroughly represent your interests.

Throughout our trajectory, we have counseled companies such as: Banco Selfin, Instituto de Fomento Industrial, Banco Central Hipotecario, Alianza Fiduciaria, Fiduciaria Central, Asitex S.A., Banco Andino, Quintex S.A., Textiles del Espinal S.A. Currently we are acting as consultants and/or legal of: Central de Inversiones S.A., Banco Colmena BCSC, GNB Sudameris Bank (Panamá), Cosmotextil S.A. y Falcon Farms S.A., INVERBIENES S.A., Conceptos Urbanos S.E, among others.

During our practice we have represented the interests of clients in over 2500 legal processes in civil jurisdiction and in the Superintendence of Societies, obtaining fully satisfactory results.

Additionally, we have effectively and successfully participated in the design and implementation of business plans, contract and commerce partnership elaboration, reviewing, modifying and liquidation, also amicable and extrajudicial settlement of controversies, all of which have resulted in the achievement of the goals sought by those that trusted us.
Bocagrande Carrera 2 No. 8 - 142 Centro Comercial Bocagrande - Of. 317 | Tels: 655 1522 - 665 1792 |   Cartagena de Indias - Colombia

Diseño web www.rafaelvarela.com